This summer expect a lot of white sneakers all around. The white sneaker trend was huge in 2015 and it is not going anywhere in 2016. I have pick the best white sneakers to wear this summer. Any of these pairs can be style with any outfits. Trust me on this one.

Kenneth Cole is bringing back the 90s with these velcro sneakers. I love these style of shoes growing up! I hated tying my shoe laces as it always get loose. Shoes with velcro straps is my childhood.

Craft Atlantic zespa shoes is the perfect shoes to pack for your trip aboard to Italy. These shoes rock best with a vespa nearby.

Axel Arigato make sneakers that is like art. You just want to hang it and show it off to let people know that you are cultural. And that is what these pair of sneakers will let people know about you.

Common Projects achilles shoess is the cool kid shoess. Everyone, including myself, owns a pair. I am not saying I am a cool kid, but when I wear them I feel cool. Plus, the gold numbering on the side. That part sold me alone, that I should get it.

Acne Studio Adrian shoes is the definition of K.I.S.S., which means, keep it simple, stupid. I mean, it is so simple and perfect.